
Tuesday 22 January 2013

New year Resolutions

Sooooo  the festive season is finally over and its now time to get back to reality. What do i mean? well the usual. Making new year resolutions that we all wont stick to,getting back into shape,eating healthy,stop drinking (alcohol that is), quit smoking and the long list of empty promises continues until next year of well my new years ressolution is simple really and Ive done it all my life really. Its to continue staying true to myself and always being brutally honest with myself and those around me *huh* So anyhuu my view about new year resolutions is that its not a must to have one there is always a time for everything. If there is something that really needs changing and that one really wants to change it will start that very second an individual reconciles with themselves to do it. You wont have have to wait for the 1st of January or keep proscrastinating, you will do it dont wait a second longer GOOD LUCK!!!!!

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