
Sunday 10 February 2013

Beauty Lies in the eyes of the Beholder

I purchased the Sunday Sun newspaper to read about the Jub Jub funeral story as I saw him in chains on the cover, Shame sthandwa sam.....Moving on, i came across an article about Maggie Benedict who is popularly known as Akhona in Mundi Vundla's soapie Generations. The article was about fans of the soapie voicing their opinions regarding her looks.

Now firstly i dont get how people can be so vicious as to belittle and humiliate another person like that. We all have opinions about this, that and the other but we use our brains to determine how and where we voice them. Everybody that has ever felt or concluded that Akhona is ugly they really should have kept it to themselves not to publicise it to the extend that Maggie has to see it now as a national discussion about her looks as though she lives on another planet.

In any case who gave those people an impression that we even care what they have to say about Maggie. But now that they have said something,here's my suggestion. I say all those people that feel so strongly about Maggie's so called ugliness, why dont they start by posting pictures of themselves so they can teach and show the rest of us what a beautiful person looks like and also help us all to define beauty since somebody obviously died and made them Beauty Inspectors a position that was pratically non existent to us, well till now.
AND THEN a certain Dj by the name Mo flava........wait let me get you a pic.....          

yes this one, this Mo Flava supposedly went on about how ugly Maggie is live on air.....and I mean cooommmeeee oooonnn his not exactly Trey Songz either *clearing my throat* and i'll leave it at that
So as the saying goes BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER, what this means in laymans english, is that different people have different preferences when it comes to beauty, looks appearances whatever you wanna call it. What is beautiful to you might not be so appealing to the next person and our differences and unique qualities are what makes us beautiful individuals that add a tremendous amount of colour to the world. Take me for example I would choose Mr Songz any sec,min, hour or day over the flava-less Mo Flava

Maggie my dear your beautiful to yourself and God and these are the only two divine beings you need to give a dzamn what they say and how they see you.....Keep your head up hun!

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